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The national bird of India is still a bit of a mystery for many of us. Here is everything you need to know about the avian we fondly refer to as the peacock.

As published in Nature inFocus on 11 November, 2022.

How does one ID a bird? A quick Google search reveals several tips. By noticing its colours, markings and distinct morphological features, listening to its sounds, watching its behavioural traits and more. But with the Indian Peafowl, one can simply throw away this cheat sheet. The peacock needs no introduction!

Whether you are a birder, a wildlife photographer, a nature lover or just someone who happens to chance upon this beautiful avian; the Indian Peafowl elicits the same response from everyone. Mobile phones and cameras come out in no time as we frantically try to photograph the bird in all its glory. What’s more? No matter how many times we find ourselves in its presence, it continues to leave us in awe. We photograph the Indian Peafowl as if it were the first time we ever saw one.

The Indian Peafowl is the national bird of India and has a significant cultural and historical presence. The famous peacock throne of the Mughal empire, Jaipur’s enthralling Peacock Gate and a popular tourist destination, the Peacock temple in Tumkur, Karnataka—the bird has marked its presence across cultures, regions and beliefs.

So today, we shine a light on this bird that pretty much stands as a representative for the country’s avifauna. From fun facts to critical threats that loom large, we bring you a quick guide about all things Indian Peafowl.

To read the complete story, visit Nature inFocus.