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Mixing tea and travel to give us a delightful read.

A cup of tea can definitely stir up some interesting conversations.

What Rishad Saam Mehta gives us here is a delightful compilation of his travel stories strung together with a hot cup of chai. Be prepared to feel a tad bit jealous and a sudden thirst for your own cuppa. But as you navigate easily through the pages of “Hot Tea Across India”, one thing becomes increasingly clear. We all want to travel far and wide, but serious travel is serious business. It’s driving through high altitudes, not so great roads, “LUXAREY” buses with wooden seats, sleeping in freezing temperatures or getting change for your tea from a guy who picks out coins in between cartridges. Definitely not the hot showers and warm blankets we epitomise, but as Rishad puts it, nothing that a chai cannot cure. With stories part hilarious, part exciting this book is a must read irrespective of your love for travel. You can either live vicariously or get inspired, either ways, the book makes you wish for more out of life.

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